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MAJ Dan T. Eerhart

Research Scientist

M.P.P Technology and Cyber Policy, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

MAJ Dan Eerhart is a Psychological Operations Officer currently serving as a Research Scientist in the Cyber Policy, Law and Strategy Section within the Army Cyber Institute. MAJ Eerhart Commissioned as a Distinguished Military Graduate into the Armor branch then served as a Mobile Gun System (MGS) Platoon Leader, Reconnaissance Troop Executive Officer, and Squadron Logistics Officer. CPT Eerhart then applied for, assessed, and completed the Psychological Operations Qualification Course and served within the ARSOF community. He served as the Commander for a Sensitive Activities Detachment and a Psychological Operations Detachment.

MAJ Eerhart has completed the USSOCOM Cybersecurity Professionals Program and holds professional/graduate certifications in Cybersecurity and Data Analytics. He speaks Korean, Dutch and Spanish.