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COL Stephen S. Hamilton, Ph.D.

Director, Army Cyber Institute

Ph.D. Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University (2017)
M.S. Software Engineering, Auburn University (2008)
B.S. Computer Science, United States Military Academy (1998)

COL Stephen Hamilton is an Academy Professor and Cyber Officer. His assignments include Node Center Platoon Leader, 123d Signal Battalion, Fort Stewart, GA; Assistant Division Automation Officer, 3d Infantry Division G6, Fort Stewart, GA; Assistant S3 for Training and Automation, 57th Signal Battalion, Fort Hood, TX; Company Commander, Alpha Company, 57th Signal Battalion, Fort Hood, TX; Automation Officer, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) G6, Fort Hood, TX; Assistant Professor, United States Military Academy Department of EE&CS, West Point, NY; Joint Cyber Operations Planner, US Cyber Command, Fort Meade, MD; and Senior Researcher, Army Cyber Institute, West Point, NY. He is currently the Technical Director of the Army Cyber Institute. He is a graduate of the Joint Combined Warfighting School, Command and General Staff School, Signal Captain's Career Course, Combined Arms and Service Staff School, Signal Officer Basic Course, and Airborne School. COL Hamilton's deployments include Bosnia-Herzegovina 2000-2001 with the 3d Infantry Division, Iraq 2004-2005 with the 3d Signal Brigade, 57th Signal Battalion, and New Orleans and Southwest Louisiana in support of humanitarian relief efforts after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita with the 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) G6. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the United States Military Academy (1998), and a Master of Science in Software Engineering from Auburn University (2008), and a PhD in Computer Science from Johns Hopkins University (2017). He holds and extra class ham radio license. He is a graduate of the USMA Master Teacher Program. His research interests include computer and network security, software defined radios, cloud computing, and visualization of big data.