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MAJ Joseph Littell

Research Scientist
Information Warfare, Army Cyber Institute

M.S. Data Science, Duke University, 2020
B.S. Computer Science, University of South Florida, 2010

Major Joe Littell enlisted in the Army in 2003 as an infantryman and attained the rank of Sergeant before commissioning in 2010. Upon commission, Major Littell served as a Platoon Leader, Company Executive Officer, and Battalion Logistics Officer while assigned to the 83rd Chemical Battalion. As a 1LT, MAJ Littell applied for, assessed, and completed the Psychological Operations Qualification Course and served within the ARSOF community as a Tactical Detachment Commander and Company Commander with 9th PSYOP Battalion (Airborne).

Research Focus

  • Misinformation and Disinformation
  • Deepfakes
  • Information Theory and Flow
  • Applied Data Science and Machine Learning, particularly Natural Language Processing