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Robert H. Thomson, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Cyber and Cognitive Science Fellow, Army Cyber Institute

Ph.D. Cognitive Science, Carleton University, 2011
B.A. Honors, History and Philosophy, Carleton University, 2004

Dr. Robert Thomson serves as the Cyber and Cognitive Science Fellow at the Army Cyber Institute and is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership. Dr. Thomson has over 6 years of post-graduate experience and over 30 invited and refereed academic publications in the domains of computational modeling, intelligence analysis, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence. He has received funding from IARPA, DARPA, ONR, and ARL. Dr. Thomson has taught 8 different courses across five academic departments at Carleton University and the United States Military Academy. He is also a faculty representative for the Men’s Basketball Program at West Point.


2017-Present: DARPA eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) – Key Personnel – $640k

2017-Present: DARPA SBIR Modeling Human Dimensions of the Cyber Ecosystem – Key Personnel

2017: USMA Research Fellowship on Cyber Aptitude Assessments – PI – $2k

2011-2014: IARPA Integrating Cognitive-Neuroscience Architectures for Understanding Sensemaking (ICArUS) – Key Personnel