Home : About Us : Affiliated Researchers


Cyber Law, Policy & Strategy

Picture of JD. Zhanna Malekos Smith
JD. Zhanna Malekos Smith
Cyber Law, Policy & Strategy
Non-Resident Fellow
Visiting Fellow, Carnegie Council

Data & Decision Sciences

Picture of CPT David Farr
CPT David Farr
Research Affiliate, Intelligent Cyber-Systems and Analytics & Cognitive Security
United States Army
Picture of MAJ William Fleshman
MAJ William Fleshman
Research Affiliate, Intelligent Cyber-Systems and Analytics & Cognitive Security
United States Army
Picture of Mr. Alex Lin, Ph.D.
Mr. Alex Lin, Ph.D.
Research Affiliate, Intelligent Cyber-Systems and Analytics
U.S. Department of Defense
Picture of 1LT Jack Moody
1LT Jack Moody
Research Affiliate, Intelligent Cyber-Systems and Analytics
United States Army
Picture of CPT John Roll
CPT John Roll
Research Affiliate, Intelligent Cyber-Systems and Analytics
United States Army
Picture of CPT Madeleine Schneider
CPT Madeleine Schneider
Research Affiliate, Intelligent Cyber-Systems and Analytics
United States Army

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