Cyber modeling and simulation (M&S) allows the exploration of complex interrelation between humans, software, and hardware systems and how they can lead to vulnerabilities or resilience. The ACI's Cyber Modeling and Simulation Research Lab (CMSRL) enables the exploration of cyber modeling and simulation in decision making and provides context and understanding of cyber risk, allowing for the development of methods and tooling to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in systems. By creating abstractions of the physical world and using cutting edge tools to support multiple-domain operations, we can examine these interactions and changes in the system overtime and create scalable solutions.

- Cyber Research, Development, Testing, Evaluation and Assessment
- Cyber Training
- Cyber Scenario Development and Wargaming
- “Digital twin” and “What-if” Evaluations
- Cyber Data Generation
- AR/VR/MR for Multi-Domain Operations
Tools and Software Include: